Rainbow – Awesome colours and shapes in YoAz’s new project

YoAz - Rainbow | Illustration and design | .cforce inspiration

YoAz is a talented French illustrator who has done work for huge companies like Nike and Adidas. His new project “Rainbow” displays his unique style, combining shapes and bright colours in order to create a bigger picture. enjoy… view more of YoAz’s work here via behance

Handmade paper portraits of classic monsters by Eelus

As Halloween approaches… we “discovered” Eelus‘s paper monsters. Layers of paper and colours in combination with the imagination and craftsmanship are the ingredients of these awesome works. enjoy… view more of Eelus work here via designtaxi

Old school “animated GIFs” from the 19th century

Long before the first GIF ever created, Joseph Plateau, a physicist from Belgium invented the Plenakistoscope, a device that enabled the user to view an animated looped sequence. The GIFs bellow were created by the “Richard Balzer Collection” based on original phenakistoscopes from the 19th century. enjoy… view more on the Richard Balzer Tumblr via designtaxi

Famous costumes of Musicians by Frederico Birchal (illustrations)

Frederico Birchal is a talented illustrator / graphic artist from Brazil. His latest project is about iconic costumes of famous musicians. From Freddie Mercury & Elvis Presley all the way to Daft Punk, we find these minimalist illustrations awesome 🙂 view more of Frederico’s work here via designtaxi

Impossible Geometry—Painting & Photography by Fanette G

Fanette G - Impossible Geometry

Fenette Guilloud combined painting and photography in order to achieve this awesome result. The name of this series is ‘Géométrie de l’impossible’ (Impossible Geometry). Caution: No Photoshop was used. via designtaxi & fanette g

Inspirational street art from Mister Thoms

.cforce - mister thoms - street art

Mister Thoms is a multi-talented Italian who loves illustration, graphic design, sculpturing, painting and of course street art. His works are usually about people and society. Mindgames, human rights, dreams and nerds are just some of the things that inspire this great street artist. enjoy…  

Awesome jellyfish pics from Alexander Semenov

Alexander Semenov is a photographer from Russia who works at the White Sea Biological Station (WSBS) and enjoys taking underwater photographs. His jellyfish photos are beautiful and somehow “magical”, capturing them against the sky and the dark deep. (view more on his flickr portfolio) enjoy…

Typography sculptures from “You Talking To Me?”

“You Talking To Me?”, a design studio from France created a series of limited edition typography sculptures. Words & phrases like “Wake Up”, “Milk”, “Drive”, “Green Apple” and many more were firstly designed and then created from spruce, PVC and aluminium in order to make them an ideal and inspirational gift for designers, typographers or […]