Typography sculptures from “You Talking To Me?”


“You Talking To Me?”, a design studio from France created a series of limited edition typography sculptures. Words & phrases like “Wake Up”, “Milk”, “Drive”, “Green Apple” and many more were firstly designed and then created from spruce, PVC and aluminium in order to make them an ideal and inspirational gift for designers, typographers or for someone that appreciates cool stuff.


cforce_you_talking_to_me-room cforce_you_talking_to_me-wake-up cforce_you_talking_to_me-love cforce_you_talking_to_me-milk cforce_you_talking_to_me-larry cforce_you_talking_to_me-kiss-2 cforce_you_talking_to_me-john cforce_you_talking_to_me-green-apple cforce_you_talking_to_me-friday cforce_you_talking_to_me-emma cforce_you_talking_to_me-eat cforce_you_talking_to_me-brunch cforce_you_talking_to_me-coffee cforce_you_talking_to_me-drive  cforce_you_talking_to_me-bikecforce_you_talking_to_me-yttm

View and buy their work at: http://www.shop.yttm.fr/

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